The welcome you were not looking for v2
Photo by: Tim Swaan
A bridge to connect two worlds.

The welcome you were not looking for v2

After months (years) of planning to write blog entries and feeling frustrated about not doing it, here I am. One article at a time.

What changed?

The way I view the content I create - from a perspective of making it truly mine rather than from a "marketing" viewpoint. These ideas came mainly from 🌱 My blog is a digital garden, not a blog by Joel Hooks and Building a digital garden by Tom Critchlow.

It's interesting how different perspectives can make you rethink your goals for a certain "product" -in this case-, myself and my personal brand. After all:

Who am I?

Beyond titles, positions, and achievements, I'm an individual, a human being just like you (unless you are a robot 🤖). If you want to know more about me in a professional way, you can read my About page.

I believe in "wabi-sabi" from an engineering perspective because, after all, that's how we are as individuals - full of that beauty that's imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete; just like this website and the universe itself.

Hey, if you've made it this far, follow me on Twitter @cgTheDev to share code, memes and stories!

As they say, "If the rope wasn't thin, there would be no grace in walking on it".
